Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Personal shoot 11 - work diary

For this photo shoot, I decided it would be a good idea to use a photograph that was taken by Mark Jenkins himself in order to show that he is the inspiration. In this case, I decided to use objects from the recycling. I took inspiration from a shot of a person who had the top of their figure covered in recycling. I thought it would be a good idea to capture the recycling pile in the local town and college because it would capture the contrast between the clean areas and the pile of rubbish. In order to create this, I collected different objects that were empty and finished with - including a milk bottle, paper bag, coat hanger and other recycling pieces. I sellotaped them all together and then put them in and around town as well as some shots in the college. I thought that this shoot was different and interesting to complete as it wasn't something I have done before. It therefore allowed me to challenge my photography skills and capture something new and exciting. 

 This particular photograph was one of my favourites from this shoot. I think that the selective colour works really well and captures the main subject within the shot. I thought that it would be a good idea to place the recycling pile in front of a tree trunk. I decided to do this because I imagined it would look quite interesting. I think that the black and white really helped to give detail to the tree trunk and therefore made it look more interesting towards the audience. I think that using selective colour only on the pile allowed for it to stand out and draw the attention of the audience directly onto the items in the pile. In terms of editing, in order to create a selective colour photograph, I had to duplicate the layer, turn the duplicated layer into black and white and then use the eraser on the recycling to take the black and white away from it. I think that this worked really well and created a new appearance.
 This was one of my least favourite photographs from this shoot. At the time, I thought it would be a good idea to place the recycling pile on the the pavement near the bus stop. I thought it would look good because of the contrast in colour between the recycling pile and the grey on the pavement. After taking this shot and looking at it on Photoshop to see if I could edit, I realised that I did not like the appearance of the shot because it was too plain. Although the levels of contrast in colour are good, I feel like there is too much space within the shot. I therefore tried to crop it to remove some of the empty space and the shot did not work - it looked too similar to other shots i had taken and therefore I decided not to edit this any further and not use it as one of my best photographs in the shoot. 

In terms of Mark Jenkins, I think that this shoot was exacted what I wanted. The shoot captured what Mark did within one photograph. I think that I was able to complete the intended aim of the shoot because it linked to the inspiration behind the project title - the photographer Mark Jenkins. I think that I took inspiration from his shot and therefore was able to create a whole shoot from a single photograph of his.

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